退修會費用 Registration Fee
三歲或以下 免費
四歲至十二歲 $125.00
部份時間參加 (四歲及以上)
三歲或以下: 免費
星期六 (Sat only 三餐): $60.00
星期五及六 (一晚加三餐): $85.00
星期六及日 (一晚加五餐): $110.00
Full time
3 years old or younger: Free
4 to 12 years old: $125.00
13 years old or older: $150.00
Part time (Age 4 & over)
3 years old or younger: Free
Saturday only (3 meals only): $60.00
Fri – Sat (one night + 3 meals): $85.00
Sat – Sun (one night + 5 meals): $110.00
Please pay by cash or check and pay to the following co-workers
Cantonese 粵語堂 : Fandy Mak
Mandarin 國語堂 : 喬婕 Jie Qiao
English 英語堂 : Kitty Lee
*支票請註明給中華聖經教會 (please make check payable to Chinese Bible Church)
*請在六月十九日一點半前報名(Please register before 1:30pm 19Jun2022)
Scan or Click for Registration Form
Chinese Speaker 中文講員
Pastor of Living Water Evangelical Church in Chicago
English Speaker 英語講員
Brian Jean
Redeemer's Grace Church San Diego
華欣牧師 Pastor Gary Hua
Brian Jean
華欣牧師來自北京,愛荷華大學(University of Iowa) 計算機博士,慕迪神學院道學碩士。來美求學期間接觸基督教信仰,被神的愛感召,悔改歸主。先在教會和福音機構參與義工服事,後回應神的呼召辭去從事多年的電腦工作走上全職傳道人的道路,曾任【海外校園機構】總幹事,現在芝加哥活水福音教會牧會。 Pastor Gary Hua is from Beijing. He holds a Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from the University of Iowa and an M.Div. degree from Moody Seminary. During his studies in the United States, he came to know the Christian faith and was touched by God's love which inspired him to repent and convert to the Lord. He first participated in volunteer services in churches and evangelistic organizations, and later responded to God's call to quit his computer work for many years to become a full-time minister of the gospel. He served as the general director of “Overseas Campus Ministries” for many years before returning to pastoral ministry. Now he is the senior pastor of Living Water Evangelical Church in Chicago.
Brian was born in Iowa and raised in Fremont, California. He is currently working as a mechanical engineer in San Diego. He has been a member of Redeemer's Grace Church for 12 years, regularly teaching weekly Bible studies. He currently serves as the leader of the "Rejoice" ministry, which oversees the fellowship and unity of the church, but will soon be transitioning to overseeing the teaching ministries of the church. Brian 出生在愛荷華州,在加利福尼亞州弗里蒙特市長大。他目前在聖地亞哥任職機 械工程師。他成為Redeemer's Grace教會的成員已有 12 年,經常教授每週聖經研究班。 他目前在教會擔任“喜樂”事工的領袖,負責監督教會的團契和合一,但很快將過渡到監督 教會的教導事工。